Water Company serving 73 Communities

projects16Golden State Water Company, a subsidiary of American Water State Company, provides water service to one of every 36 households located within 73 communities in California and Arizona. Paragon has been a consultant of choice of Golden State, providing project management, Right of Way, title, appraisal, escrow coordination, and other land services on more than 25 projects involving wells, tanks, transmission mains, easements, widening, land acquisition for development, and office relocation.


Projects Include:

  • Irwin Tank
  • Pitzer Butte Transmission Main
  • Foothill Road, Ojai
  • Caltrans I-5 Widening Project
  • Via Verde Booster Pump Station
  • Virginia Park Lease (pictured)
  • Hill Street Access and Pipeline Easement
  • Acquiring easements for Southern California Edison